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November 19, 20, 21, 1999

Eunice's first Fall Fest, held November 19, 20, and 21, 1999, included a great line-up of musical performances.  The weather was beautiful, and everyone had a great time. In addition to celebrating the region's musical heritage, the festival also honored the agricultural industry. The farmer of the year was named at a banquet at which Bob Odom, Louisiana commissioner of agriculture, was the guest speaker. Fall Fest was sponsored by the Eunice Chamber of Commerce and the Eunice Economic Development Commission. Arts and crafts booths, race car exhibits, and other attractions were part of the festival, including an LSUE booth with free balloons and several items for sale.

These pages include only some of the musical performers who were on stage during the festival, beginning on this page with the band that closed out the festival, Geno Delafose and French Rockin' Boogie.

Click below for more pictures of Fall Fest performers:


Geno Delafose and French Rockin' Boogie

Geno Delafose and his French Rockin Boogie Band closed out Fall Fest Sunday evening on the Walnut Street stage with a great Zydeco sound. The performance included songs in French like "Bonsoir Moreau," "The Eunice Two-Step," and "Bernadette," plus some old favorites in English like "Let the Good Times Roll." Click here for pictures of Geno's Fan Appreciation Party held Oct. 30 at his Double D Ranch north of Eunice.

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These pages provided courtesy of Louisiana State University at Eunice. All photos  taken by LSUE.